This video shows how it is the reality of the world in terms of energy use: as the so-called 'developed countries' abuse of these means of energy that cause pollution in our environment. The sources from which we take these energy are low and increasing at the same time their price and demand; of course that its price is not only monetary if not also environmental.
People have been searching for a means of sustainable energy, related among Nations which, thanks to the technologies of the 21st century, could become a reality. Humanity is not carrying out the use of all the resources offered by our planet (solar, hydroelectric energy...), although we are starting to use them but slowly and a progressive form.
With the union of all countries of the world and the collaboration of all its inhabitants will be able to reduce pollution and climate impact, as well as improve the quality of life of the "third world countries".
All must work together so that our planet still exists.