martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Blog : Developed Nations versus Underdeveloped Nations

That's the video:

This video, as its title suggests, talks about the differences between developed and undeveloped.
In the video we teach two graphs:
The annual consumption of beef in the world (in which it is emphasized that America and Africa are the largest consumers) and the annual emission of harmful gases, of which 80% are to bear the undeveloped countries, highlighting the U.S. and China as the most polluting.
Before the waste than developed countries, is a reality of poverty and hunger, which leads to the population of underdeveloped countries to death.
In this feature the sentences quoted by The Most Reverend Desmond Tutu (Archibishop of South Africa): My humanity is bound up in yours, for be can only be human together.
Together, this world could be better, but one thing is another theory and practice, everyone and I mean everyone, should be carried out.

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