viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Crop farming

A crop is an agricultural product, and at the same time is the set of agricultural (crops) and its surroundings.
A crop is produced from traditional raw materials and by traditional systems or not, using more or less technology and its derivatives. Production systems are based on crops in different ways, some use a crop for years, generating very long fallow periods, which erode the soil and increase its risk of loss. Other systems employ cover crops, whereupon, during the non-productive period stays covered the ground, recycling nutrients. There are a variety of cover, including leguminous crops.
The types of crops grown can depend on environmental conditions, market demands, and preference.
Plants grown for food, like rice, wheat, and vegetables, are one form of crop farming. It is also possible to cultivate plants such as alfalfa that will be used to feed animals. Some farms have a combination of crops and animals, using the crops they grow to feed their livestock.

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