viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Importance of water

Water is the common name applied to the liquid form (state) of the hydrogen and oxygen compound H2O. Pure water is an odorless, tasteless, clear liquid. Water is one of nature's most important gifts to mankind.
Water is an essential resource for living beings and humans. Its importance lies in the following aspects:

1. It is the source of life: can not live without it neither plants nor animals nor humans.

2. It is indispensable in everyday life:

  • Domestic use: in the house for washing, cooking, showering, washing clothes, etc..
  • Industrial Use: tanning industry, food manufacturing, cleaning, electricity generation, etc..
  • Agricultural use: in agriculture for irrigation.
  • Livestock use: in order to water livestock to pets.
  • In aquaculture: to raise fish and other species.
  • Medicinal use: in medicine to cure diseases. The thermal and medicinal waters are abundant in Peru. For example: the Inca Baths in Cajamarca Churín baths in Lima baths Jesus in Arequipa, etc.. Mineral waters are beverage consumption and contain medicinal mineral type. 
  •  Use sport: in sports like swimming, surfboard, water skiing, boating, etc..
  •  Use the city: in the cities to irrigate parks and gardens.

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