martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

For and against tourism

From the perspective of tourists come to you:

Generates employment in the service sector.

Cultural exchanges between people- leading to greater understanding.

Tourism income may help to conserve natural landscapes, wildlife and cultural heritage.

Local businesses benefit via business by association.

Natural landscape/cultural heritage may be damaged by huge numbers of visiting tourists and their activities.

Tourists may disturb wildlife- i.e. Feeding and breeding cycles.

Profits may leak aboard from the country; the companies involved may be foreign owned.

Tourist developments may not be sympathetic to the local environment.

Many tourism jobs are seasonal, low skilled, part-time and low paid.

Over 200 million people are employed in the tourist industry.
Locals may benefit from improved infrastructure and facilities.

Commercialisation may devalue the traditions/artefacts of local people.

Increased employment opportunities and spending in an area results in a positive multiplier effect.

Local infrastructure might not be able to cope with increased pressure from tourists i.e. Water and waste.

Tourist income may help to maintain cultural heritage and traditions.

Tourists may not to go outside of their complexes/tours- a blinkered view of an area/ way of life develops.

Increased tax revenues, which may be used to fund local services and improve infrastructure.
Employment develops the skills of the local population.

Tourists strive to find unique locations; once a place becomes popular they will often move to find an undeveloped location.
Tourism is an unreliable sector to base economic development; places may fall out of fashion or be influence by World events.

11% of all global earnings are from tourism, around £258 billion pounds.
Developments may be owned by multinationals- management positions may be occupied by foreign workers.

Tourists can frustrate locals; they can impede their daily lives.
Western values may conflict with local values- e.g. How individuals act or are dressed.

Tourist voyeurism- expecting to watch the natives and their strange ways!

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