viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Oil: for and against

The oil is a natural liquid oilseed and flammable, consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, which is extracted from continental and marine geological beds and has multiple chemical and industrial applications.

Pros of oil:
  • Very large supply. Second largest oil field in the world.
  • Economically recoverable at today’s oil prices
  • Will help keep oil prices relatively low
  • Enormous growth potential. Less than 5 percent has been produced.
  • Big economic driver in Alberta. Jobs for Native Americans.
  • Stable source country (a rarity for oil)
  • GHG emissions could potentially be minimized through CCS
  • No other energy source can move vehicles with greater speed at longer distances than oil.
  • Create jobs for the local economy.
  • Use in cars, convert into electricity, plastics, wax, sulfur, asphalt.

    Cons of oil:
    • Oil is non-renewable, which mean it will eventually run out.
    • Burning oil pollute the environment by releasing CO2 and other toxic.
    • Burning oil releases green house gases, which contribute to global warming.
    • Oil companies need to build big oil rigs to extract oil offshore and inshore.
    • Oil leaks may occur which result in environmental disaster by killing wild life, disturbing the biodiversity of that area and it take years for cleanup.
    • Extracting oil from sand takes a lot of water.
    • Drilling for oil is unpredictable; it takes a lot of time to search for oil.
    • It is expensive and dangerous to transport oil.

    I personally see very well when my parents take me by car or anything I have at home and they are made from petroleum (derivatives), but seeing pictures like the ones below, I feel a total repugnance toward our race. Why we had to evolve enough to find oil? Luckily, someone always think about other alternatives, although all but contaminates everything we do, at least if it pollutes a lesser amount.
    Biodiesel, ethanol, biogas, hydrogen, hybrid ...
    According to Repsol, the pace at which we, the oil will run out in 2045, we will have to get used porlo these energies. Better or worse than oil?

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